At the source of time, the time of water. Large format work by Jean-Yves Bourgain

Exhibition of large format paintings by Jean-Yves Bourgain

The orangery of the Château de Cormatin hosts the exhibition "Aux sources du temps" by Jean-Yves Bourgain.

The exhibition is open from 1 July to 11 November 2022, from 10 am to 12 pm and from 2 pm to 6 pm, every day.
Visitors to the park and the château can visit free of charge.

To open your eyes is to observe time. The immemorial cycle of seasons and days, right before our eyes. As we marvel, we enter into its rigorous alchemy.

It is time that allows the elements to play their imperturbable game, the water to nourish the vital impulse, the seeds to take root, the day to rise, the sea to shape its shores, the world to transform itself while perpetuating itself.

To enjoy the moment is to transform each encounter into eternity. Our gaze roots us, makes us understand the need for the water to flow, the tree to rise to the sky, and our spirit to blossom. It is this look at the traces of time that bathe us and surround us that is transformed here, through painting and through the love of life.

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